
2021/03/25 Path









package org.example;

import java.util.*;

 * A Star Algorithm
 * 1. 把起点加入 open list 。
 * 2. 重复如下过程:
 * 		a.  遍历 open list ,查找 F 值最小的节点,把它作为当前要处理的节点。
 * 		b.  把这个节点移到 close list 。
 * 		c.  对当前方格的 8 个相邻方格的每一个方格?
 * 			◆     如果它是不可抵达的或者它在 close list 中,忽略它。否则,做如下操作。
 * 			◆     如果它不在 open list 中,把它加入 open list ,并且把当前方格设置为它的父亲,记录该方格的 F , G 和 H 值。
 * 			◆     如果它已经在 open list 中,检查这条路径 ( 即经由当前方格到达它那里 ) 是否更好,用 G 值作参考。更小的 G 值表示这是更好的路径。
 * 		 	       如果是这样,把它的父亲设置为当前方格,并重新计算它的 G 和 F 值。如果你的 open list 是按 F 值排序的话,改变后你可能需要重新排序。
 * 		d.  停止,当你:
 * 			◆     把终点加入到了 open list 中,此时路径已经找到了,或者
 * 			◆     查找终点失败,并且 open list 是空的,此时没有路径。
 * 3. 保存路径。从终点开始,每个方格沿着父节点移动直至起点,这就是你的路径。
 * @author Marcelo Surriabre
 * @version 2.1, 2017-02-23
public class AStar {
     * 水平和垂直移动代价常量
    private static int DEFAULT_HV_COST = 10; // Horizontal - Vertical Cost
     * 对角移动代价常量
    private static int DEFAULT_DIAGONAL_COST = 14;

     * 移动代价
    private int hvCost;
    private int diagonalCost;

     * 搜索区域节点
    private Node[][] searchArea;

     * 开放列表。PriorityQueue优先队列,底层其实就是小根堆
    private PriorityQueue<Node> openList;

     * 关闭列表
    private Set<Node> closedSet;

     * 初始节点
    private Node initialNode;

     * 最终节点
    private Node finalNode;

    public AStar(int rows, int cols, Node initialNode, Node finalNode, int hvCost, int diagonalCost) {
        this.hvCost = hvCost;
        this.diagonalCost = diagonalCost;


        this.searchArea = new Node[rows][cols];

        this.openList = new PriorityQueue<Node>(new Comparator<Node>() {
            public int compare(Node node0, Node node1) {
                return Integer.compare(node0.getF(), node1.getF());
        this.closedSet = new HashSet<>();

    public AStar(int rows, int cols, Node initialNode, Node finalNode) {
        this(rows, cols, initialNode, finalNode, DEFAULT_HV_COST, DEFAULT_DIAGONAL_COST);

     * 迭代搜索区域二维数组,并计算每个Node的H值
    private void setNodes() {
        for (int i = 0; i < searchArea.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < searchArea[0].length; j++) {
                Node node = new Node(i, j);
                this.searchArea[i][j] = node;

     * 设置阻挡
     * @param blocksArray
    public void setBlocks(int[][] blocksArray) {
        for (int i = 0; i < blocksArray.length; i++) {
            int row = blocksArray[i][0];
            int col = blocksArray[i][1];
            setBlock(row, col);

     * 寻路方法
     * @return
    public List<Node> findPath() {
        while (!isEmpty(openList)) {
            Node currentNode = openList.poll();
            if (null == currentNode) {
            if (isFinalNode(currentNode)) {
                return getPath(currentNode);
            } else {
        return new ArrayList<Node>();

     * 回溯获取路径
     * @param currentNode
     * @return
    private List<Node> getPath(Node currentNode) {
        List<Node> path = new ArrayList<Node>();
        Node parent;
        while ((parent = currentNode.getParent()) != null) {
            path.add(0, parent);
            currentNode = parent;
        return path;

     * 添加相邻节点信息
     * <>
     *     以当前点为中心:
     *        上方:2个格子
     *        中间(同一行): 2个格子
     *        下方:3个格子
     * </>
     * @param currentNode
    private void addAdjacentNodes(Node currentNode) {

    private void addAdjacentLowerRow(Node currentNode) {
        int row = currentNode.getRow();
        int col = currentNode.getCol();
        int lowerRow = row + 1;
        if (lowerRow < getSearchArea().length) {
            if (col - 1 >= 0) {
                checkNode(currentNode, col - 1, lowerRow, getDiagonalCost()); // Comment this line if diagonal movements are not allowed
            if (col + 1 < getSearchArea()[0].length) {
                checkNode(currentNode, col + 1, lowerRow, getDiagonalCost()); // Comment this line if diagonal movements are not allowed
            checkNode(currentNode, col, lowerRow, getHvCost());

    private void addAdjacentMiddleRow(Node currentNode) {
        int row = currentNode.getRow();
        int col = currentNode.getCol();
        int middleRow = row;
        if (col - 1 >= 0) {
            checkNode(currentNode, col - 1, middleRow, getHvCost());
        if (col + 1 < getSearchArea()[0].length) {
            checkNode(currentNode, col + 1, middleRow, getHvCost());

     * 添加相邻的上方节点信息
     * @param currentNode 当前节点
    private void addAdjacentUpperRow(Node currentNode) {
        int row = currentNode.getRow();
        int col = currentNode.getCol();
        int upperRow = row - 1;
        if (upperRow >= 0) {
            if (col - 1 >= 0) {
                //左上方节点, 传入的移动代价为对角移动代价也就是14
                checkNode(currentNode, col - 1, upperRow, getDiagonalCost()); // Comment this if diagonal movements are not allowed
            if (col + 1 < getSearchArea()[0].length) {
                checkNode(currentNode, col + 1, upperRow, getDiagonalCost()); // Comment this if diagonal movements are not allowed
            checkNode(currentNode, col, upperRow, getHvCost());

     * c.  对当前方格的 8 个相邻方格的每一个方格?
     *   			◆     如果它是不可抵达的或者它在 close list 中,忽略它。否则,做如下操作。
     *  			◆     如果它不在 open list 中,把它加入 open list ,并且把当前方格设置为它的父亲,记录该方格的 F , G 和 H 值。
     *  			◆     如果它已经在 open list 中,检查这条路径 ( 即经由当前方格到达它那里 ) 是否更好,用 G 值作参考。更小的 G 值表示这是更好的路径。
     *  		 	       如果是这样,把它的父亲设置为当前方格,并重新计算它的 G 和 F 值。如果你的 open list 是按 F 值排序的话,改变后你可能需要重新排序。
     * @param currentNode
     * @param col
     * @param row
     * @param cost
    private void checkNode(Node currentNode, int col, int row, int cost) {
        Node adjacentNode = getSearchArea()[row][col];
        if (!adjacentNode.isBlock() && !getClosedSet().contains(adjacentNode)) {
            if (!getOpenList().contains(adjacentNode)) {
                adjacentNode.setNodeData(currentNode, cost);
            } else {
                boolean changed = adjacentNode.checkBetterPath(currentNode, cost);
                if (changed) {
                    // Remove and Add the changed node, so that the PriorityQueue can sort again its
                    // contents with the modified "finalCost" value of the modified node

    private boolean isFinalNode(Node currentNode) {
        return currentNode.equals(finalNode);

    private boolean isEmpty(PriorityQueue<Node> openList) {
        return openList.size() == 0;

    private void setBlock(int row, int col) {

    public Node getInitialNode() {
        return initialNode;

    public void setInitialNode(Node initialNode) {
        this.initialNode = initialNode;

    public Node getFinalNode() {
        return finalNode;

    public void setFinalNode(Node finalNode) {
        this.finalNode = finalNode;

    public Node[][] getSearchArea() {
        return searchArea;

    public void setSearchArea(Node[][] searchArea) {
        this.searchArea = searchArea;

    public PriorityQueue<Node> getOpenList() {
        return openList;

    public void setOpenList(PriorityQueue<Node> openList) {
        this.openList = openList;

    public Set<Node> getClosedSet() {
        return closedSet;

    public void setClosedSet(Set<Node> closedSet) {
        this.closedSet = closedSet;

    public int getHvCost() {
        return hvCost;

    public void setHvCost(int hvCost) {
        this.hvCost = hvCost;

    private int getDiagonalCost() {
        return diagonalCost;

    private void setDiagonalCost(int diagonalCost) {
        this.diagonalCost = diagonalCost;


package org.example;

 * Node Class
 * @author Marcelo Surriabre
 * @version 2.0, 2018-02-23
public class Node {

     * 估值 f = g + h
    private int g;
    private int f;
    private int h;

     * 行坐标索引
    private int row;

     * 列坐标索引
    private int col;

     * 是否阻挡
    private boolean isBlock;

     * 父节点(回溯用,终点往起点找)
    private Node parent;

    public Node(int row, int col) {
        this.row = row;
        this.col = col;

     * 计算h值大小(曼哈顿算法)
     * <>
     *     直接用终点和当前点坐计算
     * </>
     * @param finalNode 终点Node
    public void calculateHeuristic(Node finalNode) {
        this.h = Math.abs(finalNode.getRow() - getRow()) + Math.abs(finalNode.getCol() - getCol());

    public void setNodeData(Node currentNode, int cost) {
        int gCost = currentNode.getG() + cost;

     * 检测是否有更好的g值
     * @param currentNode
     * @param cost
     * @return
    public boolean checkBetterPath(Node currentNode, int cost) {
        int gCost = currentNode.getG() + cost;
        // 需要重新设置B节点父节点和重新计算B节点的g值、h值
        if (gCost < getG()) {
            setNodeData(currentNode, cost);
            return true;
        return false;

    private void calculateFinalCost() {
        int finalCost = getG() + getH();

    public boolean equals(Object arg0) {
        Node other = (Node) arg0;
        return this.getRow() == other.getRow() && this.getCol() == other.getCol();

    public String toString() {
        return "Node [row=" + row + ", col=" + col + "]";

    public int getH() {
        return h;

    public void setH(int h) {
        this.h = h;

    public int getG() {
        return g;

    public void setG(int g) {
        this.g = g;

    public int getF() {
        return f;

    public void setF(int f) {
        this.f = f;

    public Node getParent() {
        return parent;

    public void setParent(Node parent) {
        this.parent = parent;

    public boolean isBlock() {
        return isBlock;

    public void setBlock(boolean isBlock) {
        this.isBlock = isBlock;

    public int getRow() {
        return row;

    public void setRow(int row) {
        this.row = row;

    public int getCol() {
        return col;

    public void setCol(int col) {
        this.col = col;




//Search Area
//      0   1   2   3   4   5   6
// 0    -   -   -   -   -   -   -
// 1    -   -   -   B   -   -   -
// 2    -   I   -   B   -   F   -
// 3    -   -   -   B   -   -   -
// 4    -   -   -   -   -   -   -
// 5    -   -   -   -   -   -   -

//Expected output with diagonals
//Node [row=2, col=1]
//Node [row=1, col=2]
//Node [row=0, col=3]
//Node [row=1, col=4]
//Node [row=2, col=5]

//Search Path with diagonals
//      0   1   2   3   4   5   6
// 0    -   -   -   *   -   -   -
// 1    -   -   *   B   *   -   -
// 2    -   I*  -   B   -  *F   -
// 3    -   -   -   B   -   -   -
// 4    -   -   -   -   -   -   -
// 5    -   -   -   -   -   -   -

//Expected output without diagonals
//Node [row=2, col=1]
//Node [row=2, col=2]
//Node [row=1, col=2]
//Node [row=0, col=2]
//Node [row=0, col=3]
//Node [row=0, col=4]
//Node [row=1, col=4]
//Node [row=2, col=4]
//Node [row=2, col=5]

//Search Path without diagonals
//      0   1   2   3   4   5   6
// 0    -   -   *   *   *   -   -
// 1    -   -   *   B   *   -   -
// 2    -   I*  *   B   *  *F   -
// 3    -   -   -   B   -   -   -
// 4    -   -   -   -   -   -   -
// 5    -   -   -   -   -   -   -




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